Poli Sci Reception 2024
On April 25, 2024, the Political Science and Public Policy Administration held it's annual reception honoring alumni and students. This year Luke Coffey BA 2002, Christina Dancy BSPPA 2010, Eric Fey MPPA 2012 and Sarah Javier MPAA 2006 were honored.
60 Years of Great Chemistry
Alumni and influential faculty members shared highlights and personal reflections from each of the past six decades of the department's history.
Ethics Sandra Van Trease
Former BJC HealthCare Group President Sandra Van Trease, BSBA 1982, touted the value of ethics in business at ETHICS: A Foundation for Success, the latest in the six-part alumni conversations series.
60 for 60 April Honorees
Congratulations to April's honorees in our 60 for 60 series: Marie Casey, BS 1978, Mike Jones, BSEd 1976, Maria Kerford BA 2004, MPPA 2014, Terrence Rogers BSBA 
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