Welcome to the  UMSL Social Work Alumni Network! We are a group of social work alumni who support the mission and work of UMSL School of Social Work. We encourage you to get actively involved in the network and stay connected to fellow alumni.  We are committed towards fostering a strong alumni network, a supportive avenue where alumni can interact with each other and the department in a variety of professional and academic ways.

We encourage you to stay in contact. We love to hear from you!


Our general mission is to support UMSL’s School of Social Work by lifting up and celebrating our faculty (past and present), alumni, and both undergraduate and graduate  students.

The Social Work Alumni Network has 3 primary areas of focus:
1.    Engagement of Social Work  Alumni
2.    Promote interactions among social work  alumni, students, and faculty
3.    Support the School of Social work  with fundraising initiatives



Your thoughts count. The UMSL Social Work Alumni Network represents thousands of social work graduates worldwide. The Network is eager to engage fellow graduates in a variety of ways that help alumni connect with each other and UMSL’s social work program. To help the network  plan effective programming, please take 5 minutes to complete the UMSL Social Work Alumni Interest Survey. And, if you're interested in volunteering your time and leadership to the Network, there is an opportunity in the survey to indicate your desired level of involvement.

Take our survey.



-- Joni Chester, BSW 2012, MSW 2014



Fall Social Hour - TBD, please check back soon.

Annual Critical Issues Symposium - March 2022

Dinner with Tritons - Ongoing

Planning Meetings - (August 2021, January 2022, April 2022, June 2022)



UMSL's scholarship donors are among our most generous and committed supporters. Your personal philanthropy provides much-need assistance to our students. As alumni of UMS's School of Social Work  program, we welcome your gifts to ensure another generation of  promising students realize their dreams of becoming practicing social workers.

We presently have 2 endowed scholarships for social work students: the Alumni and Friends Social Welfare Endowed Scholarship and the UMSL Social Work Alumni Chapter Undergraduate Scholarship.

Give now to support  School of Social Work scholarships at the University of Missouri-St. Louis.