UMSL Alumni Volunteer Opportunities

The UMSL Alumni Association is a vibrant community reinventing itself to meet the needs of an ever-growing alumni population. Talented alumni of all ages are needed to serve as volunteers through a number of initiatives and programs.

Dedicated alumni help UMSL make connections and build relationships with fellow alumni and current students in meaningful and exciting ways. By staying informed and involved, UMSL alumni are inspired to support the University in a variety of ways and ensure its continued success.  


Are you interested in making and impact at the University of Missouri-St. Louis? The UMSL Alumni Association offers alumni a variety of one-time and ongoing service opportunities to do just that. 

Check out these service opportunities below.  If you are not sure where to get started, connect with us at to get involved!

Once you complete the form below, we will connect you with a member of the alumni engagement staff/board or campus partner to get you started on this worthwhile and rewarding journey. 

If you have ideas you do not see listed below, please describe your interest in the comment field.  

UMSL Alumni Volunteer/Engagement Opportunities
Please tell us about yourself.

Preferred Email Address: Required Field

Alumni Engagement Opportunities
I am interested in the following opportunities (please check all that apply):
I am interested in the following opportunities (please check all that apply):

Comments and Suggestions